Inter-provincial Noviciate – Porta Latina

During the Major Superiors Meeting in Rome in November it was unanimously agreed by all present that a new inter-provincial noviciate (Italy, UK and NZ, Ireland and the USA) would be established in Rome and, for the time being at least, this would be situated in the Collegio Missionario A Rosmini at Porta Latina. On Wednesday 25th January the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, Father General celebrated Mass for the community in the Basilica. Immediately after Mass, the community processed to the noviciate corridor on the first floor. Fr. Marco then blessed the new noviciate and dedicated it to the conversion of St. Paul installing an icon of St. Paul in the corridor.

Rosminian Family Meeting

On Sunday, January 29th, the meetings of the Rosminian family at Porta Latina, resumed after almost three years. The Rosminian sisters from Via Aurelia were present with Mother General. The brethren from Montecompatri, some ex-Rosminians, and friends of the community were present. Many things have changed during the pandemic, and contacts are gradually being restored. The first meeting went well, the first leaflet was reflected on in two groups, Italian and English. After that we had and vespers and Eucharistic adoration in the basilica, followed by a shared meal.

Funeral Service of Fr. John Baker Bland

The funeral of Father John Bland took place at midday on 13th of February at St. Marie’s Church Rugby. Father Chris Fuse, the Provincial, was the main celebrant and preacher. Father Joe O’Reilly from Ireland concelebrated with several of the brethren and some of the local diocesan clergy. After the requiem, six of our Indian brethren carried his coffin to our cemetery at the side of the Church. Anthony and Lindy together with several of his family were there to bid him farewell, as he was laid to rest

2nd February – Feast of the Consacrated Life
Four candidates began their postulancy in Trivandrum.

In Rome
Fr. Robin – Rector of Collegio Missionario A. Rosmini – Porta Latina


9/12/2022 There was a confirmation of 5 Young girls with the return to the sacrament of 11 People. It was officiated by the Diocesan administrator. He announced that 9th of December each year will be a day of Pilgrimage for the youth of the Diocese and those of the Metropolitan of Dar es Salaam.
There is a diocesan pilgrimage to Gare parish in the month of October every year. From 2023 there will be a youth pilgrimage as well.
This year the parish event was attended by more than 300 parishioners. On this occasion, we inaugurated a new choir in the name of St. William. This is a traditional local choir.

From 14 to 22 /12/2022 we had a week of Grace where we reminded the faithful of the value of Baptism and the value of living faith and morals properly. We also preached about Prayer, the Love of God, and the Grace that he gives to sustain us.

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
56 children were baptized on 8th January, in Gare

What welcome news to warm the heart !
With every good wish,
Jeremy Gee, Old Ratcliffian 1971