Happy New Year
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Fr. Umberto Muratore

Fr. Umberto Muratore passed away on 28th December 2022. His funeral service was done on 31st December at the parish church, Stresa.
Please click the link to see the Funeral service. Il “grazie” di Stresa a padre Umberto Muratore
Major Superior’s Meeting
13-19 November 2022

On Sunday November 13, Fr. General and the major superiors went to a celebration at St. Mary of the Assumption, Montecompatri to begin the centenary year (1923-2023) of the presence and work of the Rosminian Fathers.

On Monday 14th Fr. Mathew, Fr. General of the Claretian Missionaries, who guided the day with inputs.

On 18th, the Eucharistic celebration of the 15th anniversary of the beatification of Fr. Founder, presided by Mons. Rino Fisichella, the one who was pontificator in the Cause of Antonio Rosmini.

The week ended on Sunday, 20 November, celebrating Christ the King and remembering the first anniversary of Fr James Flynn’s call to the Father’s house (20 November 2021).
The Rev. Mother General, Sr. Antonietta and the sisters of the General Council, Sr. Carla, Sr. Felicitas, Sr. Ave; the General Coordinators of the Ascribed, Glenda and Reinaldo, the General Postulator, Fr. Claudio Papa, and the Director of the Centre for International Studies of Stresa, Fr. Eduino Menestrina participated at some of the sessions dedicated to them and with them for a common discernment and information.
Diaconate Ordinations
In East-Africa

On 16th November four of our brethren: Mathias Misibo, John Mulevu, Severine Kilala and Damiani Pelagi were ordained deacons by His E. Rogatus Kimaryo, the bishop of the Same diocese.

In Italy

Anselmus I. Elman Mammadov, Camille M. Temon – Lenguewo and William Milanesio were ordained as deacons by His E. Mons. Franco Agnesi, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Milan. The ceremony took place on 29th December at 17.00 pm, in the Blessed Antonio Rosmini Parish, Milan in S. Ambrogio ad Urbem.
Celebration of Taking Possession of Titular of the Basilica S. Giovanni a Porta Latina

His Eminence Cardinal Adalberto Martinez Flores, the Cardinal Archbishop of Asunción, Paraguay, took up the office of Cardinal protector of our Basilica di San Giovanni a Porta Latina on 7th December 2022. The ceremony took place at 16.00. Fr. Laiju Francis, the rector of the Basilica received the Cardinal. During the Mass Fr. Marco Tanghetti, the Superior General read the Papal Bull, and Fr. Laiju welcomed him on behalf of the Rosminian family. His Eminence Cardinal Sean Patrick O’ Malley also was present for the celebration.

H. E. Mrs. María Leticia CASATI CABALLERO was present for the celebration and she expressed her gratitude at the end of the Mass for the wonderful celebration.