A Humble Authority?
We all want to be accepted and loved. We can probably remember times when that didn’t happen and know how much it hurt. The world’s values can influence us, so we make our importance felt with some people.
It might surprise us how many times we think, “I am not like that person.” Or “I am better than that person.” That is what I like about my golf group. We cheer each other on, and at the end of the day, we are happy to have some time together.
Jesus did not live to please others. He didn’t care what they thought of Him. Look how people treated Jesus in the end. He lived only to please His Father. When we live to please God alone, the honor of another person is nice but not necessary or even needed.
Think of the example that Jesus set for us: he was born in poverty; he lived and worked as a layman for 30 years; he didn’t belong to any priestly tribe or sect such as the Pharisees and scribes.
St. Paul was knocked off his high horse when he met Jesus and never got back up on it. Because he had the heart of Jesus beating in his heart, he didn’t flash his credentials to show off. No. He saw himself as a nursing mother who cares for her children.
He was freed up, as he said, “With such affection for you, we were determined to share our very selves…working night and day in order not to burden any of you.”
I recall that our Blessed Antonio Rosmini, the founder of the Institute of Charity, wrote a book, The Five Wounds Of The Church. One of the wounds was the distance bishops put between themselves and their priests and the priests put between themselves and the people of God. Pray your priests and bishops have the attitude of John the Baptist. Speaking of Jesus, he said, “he must increase, I must decrease.”
Gospel Challenge:
How many problems in the world would be solved if people would not look down on others but look up to them to see the face of Christ? Who needs you today to be another Christ for them?
Finally, I ask your prayers for Fr. Gordon, Fr. Bibin, and myself that we be worthy to serve you as you need us.
Peace everyone.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC